Massage therapy helps relieve pain, improve physical dysfunction, and increase one’s general well-being. Whether you wish to assist patients with relaxation or recovery, our Massage Therapy diploma program will provide you with the hands-on experience you need to succeed in this profession. In this program, you will practice your skills through clinical hours scheduled at your campus. You will also have the opportunity to participate in outreach initiatives called specialty clinics, to provide massages to various groups of clients in the community.
triOS has developed the Massage Therapy diploma program with experienced healthcare professionals to give you everything you need to flourish as an RMT in the healthcare field. Our curriculum teaches the 2016 standard competencies that the CMTO exams are based on so that as a student, you are prepared with the knowledge needed to succeed.
This program is offered at seven triOS locations: Windsor, London, Kitchener, Hamilton, Mississauga, Brampton, and Toronto
A 74-week accelerated option is offered at the London campus.