D’Arcy Lane is happy to announce the creation of the D’Arcy Lane Student Newsletter, created by the students for the students. Feeling a need for a forum to enable our students to further connect with one another, to share information and help to grow our community, the decision to create a student run Newsletter was born. Tara, a first year student of D’Arcy Lane’s Human Massage Program, who also has a background in graphics and printing, took on a leadership and organizational role in ensuring this Newsletter was generated. The contents of our Student Newsletter is created from input from all members of our Student Newsletter Council which consists of junior and senior students from both programs and a selection of staff members.

SNL Council

The Student Newsletter Council’s student members currently include (pictured left to right) Kenzie, Tara, Dani, and Alauna (not pictured). Staff council members and contributors include Rhonda, Cheryl and Brandy.

The Student Newsletter is set to be published monthly and available via email with a few black and white paper copies available in the school. It includes features such as student of the month, quote of the month and word of the month. Important dates such as upcoming student examinations, extra classes and conferences that are relative to the students. The Student Newsletter will also highlight fundraisers run by the staff and students, student social events and in the future looks to contain various puzzles and brainteasers.

If you would like more information about our Student Newsletter, would like to become involved or would like to sign up to receive our Newsletter via email please speak to any council member or email [email protected]. Tara is also happy to answer emails at [email protected].

We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in making this possible for our students. We send a very special thank you to Tara for her organization and hard work.