SNL CouncilTara Waldron is a current student enrolled in the Human Massage Therapy Program at D’Arcy Lane Institute. She is in her first year of the program, working hard and enjoying her experience. Tara is also involved with the organization, writing of and publication of our monthly Student Newsletter. Tara wanted to share her story and what led to her decision to pursue a career as a Registered Massage Therapist.


She writes:

My name is Tara, I am 25 years old, and started the D’Arcy Lane Human course in September 2014. Starting from the beginning as to why I chose to become a RMT … it started way back in high school when my friends just wanted a shoulder or neck massage. A few of them suggested I should go to school to become a Massage Therapist, but my heart was set on the art of Graphic Design. I signed up for the Fanshawe College Program and was there for 3 years. Fantastic course! I had some interviews throughout the years afterwards, but then it died down a bit. Most of the jobs in my field were all placed in Toronto, I didn’t want to live there and decided I should go another route. So, I chose to become a Registered Massage Therapist instead. I can still do my artwork on the side, make my own business cards and set up my own website when I want to have my own business at some point in time. D’Arcy Lane ended up being my #1 choice. They had several fantastic reviews from RMTs I spoke to. I absolutely love it here! The teachers are amusing and fun during class while we are learning and the school days are long, but worth it!


Do you have a desire to see what a career in massage therapy could offer you?

Download our course presentation to get started